How To Start Shrimp Farming In India?

Shrimp has become part of the diet of many individuals. These are some of the widely eaten sea foods all around the globe. Raw or cooked they are enjoyed in every form because of its delicate and soft texture and flavor soaking capacity. Prawns are a great source of vitamins and Niacin.

They are rich in vitamin B-6 and B-12 and this is the reason they are widely consumed by many fitness freaks. Also, They are vital because they produce an amazing amount of energy in the body, build up muscles and replenish red blood cells. They are a rich source of iron which makes them essential in effective distribution of oxygen in bodies. Above all, Prawns are widely trending nowadays and are one of the highest consumed sea foods all around the world.

Why Shrimp Farming in India?

After going through the advantages it becomes clear that starting Shrimp farming is a great business opportunity and an amazing source of earning money. Asian countries are the main suppliers and producers of shrimps. This business is carried out in many Asian countries including India. Prawn farming has a greater importance in the fisheries sector.

One of the most important reasons to start shrimp farming is that it does not need a large capital or not even a large space. This business is very convenient and makes crores of money. Though this business is easy and convenient this does require a lot of attention as well as management. So, Shrimp farming requires ultimate knowledge ranging from basics of shrimp farming to how one can increase this business greatly.

Selection Of Site

Site selection is one of the most important steps in shrimp farming. It’s the first and one of the most vital steps in shrimp agriculture. It is important to choose a location with suitable characteristics for shrimp farming. A location with the characteristics like:

  1. Suitable climatic conditions.
  2. Easy Accessibility to resources needed.
  3. Availability of electricity and power supply.
  4. Proper security.
  5. Abundant water supply.
  6. Suitable soil conditions,etc.

The characteristics listed above are some of the important factors that should be looked at while choosing a location for shrimp farming. Finding a location with all the factors is quite difficult, so what can be done to achieve those?. Proper architectural guidance would work in such situations.

Steps To Start Shrimp Farming In India

Here are some of the steps to start shrimp farming easily:

1. Getting Ready With Ponds

Shape of the pond doesn’t really matter, one can go with rectangular or square ponds for shrimp culture. The pond must have a minimum depth of 1 meter. The bottom of the pond must be very clean as well as dry to ensure that the water quality is always good and it does not affect the health of the shrimps.

Using pond lining would be a great and fuss free option in order to ensure good health of the shrimps. Shrimps can be affected by the reaction which takes between earthen ponds and the water in the pond. A good plastic lining or concrete makes it easy to manage water quality as well as the bottom of the pond.

2. Sterilization

Sterilization makes a disease free and healthy environment for the shrimp. All the equipment and the pond must be sterilized very well before adding the batch into the ponds. Sterilization will result in Minimization of the impurities and pathogens which will then help the shrimps grow healthy. A disinfectant spray with high pressure and intensity can be used to clean the ponds as well as the equipment that are used in prawn farming. Water sterilization is also a very vital step. The water that is used in prawn farming should be clean. Proper measures should be taken to keep the water sterilized.

3. Keeping The Measurement Tools Ready 

Calibrating all the measuring tools ready is a very important step in shrimp farming. Before each cycle one must check the PH meter,refractometer etc. More accurate and definite information can be gained using calibrated tools.

4. Feeding Management

Feeding shrimps regularly results in good quality shrimps. Also, Feeding them immediately after restocking is a good step as they are prone to stay healthy there after. Blind feeding the shrimps is not advisable for the first 30 days.

Final Words!!!

As we saw all the steps clearly, we got a vision that a business like Shrimp Farming In India can be very profitable from all the prospects. Shrimp season lasts from July to October here in India. In these 4 months a very large amount of shrimps can be produced (upto 3000-4000 kg). So when we calculate all together 1 kg of healthy shrimp can be sold at 250-350rs. Coming at an conclusion we can see that the profit fetched after excluding all the expenses ranges from about 4-5 lakhs. 

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